Destination Home
Photo by Theresa Harrison
Red is searching for a home. She is not alone.
Dan Goronszy and 30 hand-crafted disembodied heads seamlessly combine puppetry, text and physical theatre in a quirky, shifting narrative of displacement.
Of hope, darkness, longing and paperwork.
Destination Home unfolds a parallel story of rental housing and the universal search to be housed in a world where options become increasingly fewer. Where secrets are kept, and questions are demanded answers to.
Where lifestyle choice is challenged.
Performed alongside a dynamic original sound composition.
Playing inside The Grand Caravan, Melbourne's purpose built theatre within a 1980's Millard caravan, sitting against the backdrop of the big city.
Inside is intimate, with room for 13.
Dan Goronszy Arts creates unusual arts experiences to provoke conversation about humanity and the world.
“ an expressive, emotive, prism of human ability and motion”
Creator, Performer, Puppets: Dan Goronszy
Director/Co-Creator: Sandra Fiona Long
Composer/Sound Design: Sharyn Brand
Lighting Design: Bronwyn Pringle
Costume Consultant: Emily Barrie
What audiences are saying:
“ So much sweat and hope”
“powerful, relevant and magical
"sophisticated performance of a complex subject"
"sensitively stirring the mix, the shadows, the echoes, the shining beacon of longing to belong"
Previous Seasons:
2016 Adelaide Fringe Festival - Gluttony
2016 Midsumma Festival - La Mama
2015 Melbourne Fringe Festival - North Melbourne Hub